About Us

"Crafting a Greener Tomorrow, One Home at a Time"

Our Story

Earth Wise sprouted from the vision of five high schoolers determined to spark environmental change by empowering homeowners with sustainable practices.

Starting with grassroots efforts in their own backyards, these students expanded their reach, transforming Earth Wise into a nationwide crusade for a greener future.

Today, Earth Wise stands as a testament to the belief that small, community-driven actions can culminate in profound ecological impact.


Our Mission

In a world increasingly aware of our environmental challenges, it is humanity’s responsibility to champion sustainability and embrace green practices. At Earth Wise, we are America’s partners in building a greener, more sustainable future. We at Earth Wise are dedicated to helping you find the best solutions to reducing your carbon footprint. By empowering homeowners with the knowledge and resources to live more sustainably we ensure future generations have a promising world to thrive in.

Our Philosophy

Why do we preach sustainability? Finding household ways to keep our environment clean significantly improves the global ecosystem on a large scale. Our core beliefs are education, protection, and conservation. Educating young adults about proper practices like waste reduction and energy efficiency will lead the majority of the population to reduce their footprints. Protecting the blue marble we live on is vital to ensuring the plants and animals that thrived before us do not go extinct because of us. Humans are not the only creatures worthy of life, so we must realize that releasing too much carbon dioxide and nitrogen from households can irreversibly alter ecosystems. Conserving the finite resources we have while utilizing infinite resources like sunlight and wind will allow us to use a hybrid approach where we use both renewable and nonrenewable energy sources to power the world without inflicting harm upon the environment.

Our Approach

We approached our methodology by researching the situation on Earth. We comprehensively analyzed environmental challenges and innovation to combat them. To ensure our data was correct, we cross-checked with numerous accredited sources to curate our climate science data. We highlighted the most cost-effective solutions while compiling the data in a way anyone can understand, including numerous interactives and visuals. Lastly, we wanted to bridge the gap between environmental knowledge and action. By presenting information in an actionable manner, we empower individuals and organizations to implement eco-friendly practices in their daily lives and operations.